India of My dreams

India of My Dreams with specific focus on how Education can transform India and solve main problems/Issues facing our day to day lives.

“Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high, Where knowledge is free” Gurudev Rabindrnath Tagore


The India of my dreams shall provide an important opportunity to move Indian education from “sorting and selection” to “human development,” enabling every student to develop their maximum potential. There shall be women empowerment and no place for communal violence, crimes and exploitation. In my country people shall have the right to live in peace, freedom of speech and cultural harmony.

Equality of Education

With 75 golden years of Glory, Education has become the Human right and every child deserves it. The modern trend in the social change is towards the establishment of equality of freedom, justice and fraternity in the social order, which is the bedrock of “ The Constitution of India”.

India of my dreams will build an egalitarian society with the provision of adequate educational development of all citizens irrespective of caste, creed ,race, religion, sex and language.

Fostering Future Leaders

India of my dreams shall focus on education at all levels in order to shape the world of tomorrow, equipping individuals with the skills, perspective, knowledge and values to live in diversity.

Education for the 21st Century has the power to prepare people to take their place in the age of economy by enlarging people ‘s minds, enlivening their imagination, arousing their curiosity and assisting them to improve their cognitive ability.

Demand for Skilled Workers

India of my dreams shall create more job opportunities for the working class and  focus on quality outcomes and  not solely on the quantity.

The key measures of success should be uplift ment of society and its people above the poverty line, improve per capita income and generate wealth creation for the masses.

With the advancement in Education and Technology, there is an increasing demand for high levels of literacy, numeracy, technological skills, and competencies such as problem solving and team working abilities that are required for a successful living.

Women Empowerment

Creating an inclusive society in India of my dreams. With the growing percentage of education among girls the condition of women in our society shall improve, these women will  start going to work, marry according to their choice, contest elections and get in to top  and key positions, asserting themselves as equal citizens of India with the same rights and privileges as men.

Social Mobility and Progress

India of my dreams shall quest for the quality of life which is the essence of modern education offers new hope and opportunity to the poor and materially derived societies. It is also a sociological fact that education has enabled considerable number of men and women of lower and middle class to achieve quite an impressive degree of social mobility and progress in their careers.

Quality of life

India of my dreams will reduce the gap between affluence and poverty which is widening so alarmingly in terms of per capita income. Although education cannot alone equalize money income in the short run however it can certainly enrich the quality of life for poor as well as the rich.

Clean Environment

The India of my dreams shall focus on green environment and make attempts to prevent deforestation. They shall use clean energy like solar energy, hydro energy wind energy so that the emission of poisonous gases and air pollutants shall be minimized.

Digital India

My dream of nation shall be a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. Improvement in online infrastructure shall enhance the economy of the country and therefore lead to prosperity. The world shall look to India for the next big idea. Paperwork shall be reduced and all the government services shall reach the common masses with the click of  a button.

Corruption Free Nation

India of my dreams shall be a nation where there shall be liberty to live in harmony and speak against injustice. Corruption is a problem in India that exists in all spheres of society. There shall be stringent and robust laws in place. Constant monitoring and surveillance  by the competent authorities and right values shall be inculcated to the children from the younger age.

Conserve Rich Heritage and Resources

India of my dreams shall cooperate and collaborate to conserve , protect and restore the health and integrity of the Earth ‘s Eco system.

Environmental issues will be best handled with the participation and contribution of all the responsible citizens of the nation. Peace, development and environmental protection are interdependent and indivisible for the nation’s progress.

Eradicate Poverty

India of my dreams shall eradicate poverty and reducing disparities in living standards in different parts of the country which are essential to achieve sustainable development and meet the needs of the majority of people.

No Casteism

Education shall increase opportunities for the lower caste and provide them assistance to come out of the degrading professions  to which they  are clinging on to centuries . In my Independent Nation there shall be occupational mobility and caste shall not be a barrier for Individual’s progress and shall also not be associated with hereditary occupation.

Health Care Facilities

The health of the nation is depicted by the health of its people , India of my dreams  shall have an integrated and robust  Medical infrastructure and healthcare system to cater to the needs of its people. There shall be trained doctors, nurses and paramedics with proper infrastructure in Rural and Urban India.

Taxes should be Judicial

India of my dreams shall have no discrimination between a rich and a poor, taxes should be imposed judicially.


India is rising and transforming very fast on account of the various measures which are underway and should pave way to be a Super power in foreseeable future. India of my dreams would be a country that sees all its citizens as equal and does not discriminate its citizens. The India of My Dreams should be an ideal country where there will be growth and development in all fields. 

I see India of my dreams come true if we citizens of India are able to paint the canvass with all the right attributes.