Education for Girls is important to achieve the Goal of Education for all

Education and the Gender Bias:

The traditional conservative attitude coupled with ignorance and poverty that has existed in rural areas regarding indifferences to the education of the girls have hindered the promotion of girls towards the basic need that is Education.

Most of the Rural and the urban folks earlier believed that higher education spoils the girls character so they were discouraged. Prior most of the parents were reluctant to send their girl children to co- education schools , but now the concept has changed radically and the lower middle class and class below the poverty line have gradually recognized the importance of girls education.

The traditionally established division of labor based on gender has affected the student’s choice of courses and subjects, Music home science, painting and nursing were meant only for girls . They were discouraged by our social structure from taking the advantages of the modern education.

Social class differences were clearly reflected in the student’s population of Medical colleges, IITs, Research Institute and other prestigious colleges and universities.

For several centuries, prejudice about girls continued, they occupied a status inferior to men in all walks of life, they were destined to live under the father during childhood, husband during married life and the sons during widowhood . This thought process kept women in the secondary position of housekeeper, or a slave. They were meant to take up household chores and look after the family and children.

The result is that Indian women suffered the worst kind of social, cultural, political, economical and   psychological afflictions in all the practices including Education.

 Not more than handful numbers were found enrolled in Higher education, in Key offices, Parliament and Council of Ministers.

However, with the reflection by merit , reservation for weaker sections of society and with the reforms in the NEP , some change in picture can be well observed in the present day.

Ways and Means to Curtail the Inequality of Opportunity in Education.

  • Removing Adult Illiteracy, In order to reap the fruits of Education and also to remove the prejudices and biases, Adult illiteracy has to be removed completely.
  • Higher Education should not be confined to Boys only, It should be extended to all on merit.
  • Free and Compulsory Elementary Education up to 14 years at least should be a mandate for below poverty line so that no one suffer for the basic education and opportunity.
  • Tuition fee, free text books, Scholarships programs should be provided for the poor section of the society to combat gender in differences.
  • Special investigations regarding the spread of education amongst the tribal should be carried out. Efforts are needed to reach out of school children and the drop outs because of early marriages and other social causes.
  •  Gender Inclusion fund should be properly monitored to build the nation’s capacity to provide equitable quality education for all girl students.


The Broad goals of the Education of the 21st Century should reflect  a balance and contribute to every individual complete development –mind, body ,intelligence, aesthetic, and sensitivity. All should receive the education right from their childhood so that they can equip themselves in the best course of action which will indirectly lead to the fulfillment of Educational goals for all.