Education Equality
We are not born equal but learning potential exits , Why not best education and best teachers for everyone.
The truth is that we are not created equal in our ability to achieve success. Every person has unique set of strengths, which can aid in achieving the success they desire. Conversely, each person also has their own unique set of challenges that inhibit them in achieving such success.
If a child is born disabled or grows up in a poor, abusive environment they do not have the same chance at success as a child born healthy, to a high-income, loving family that lives in a nice neighborhood. The former will start school approximately 1.5 years behind other students and by third grade, they will be three years behind their peers educationally. These are the situations in which most children will never be able to get the basic education and this will subsequently affect the rest of their lives. Not everyone is lucky enough to grow up in a nurturing environment.
In our country, the Right to Education is one of our most important principles. However Indian schools are often sites of extreme forms of discrimination. Although Education is a tool of social transformation , the caste discrimination makes this process slow and a difficult one.
There are instances where teachers discourage the Dalits or the backward class to participate in the school activities, Discrimination within the educational institutions keep many students out of school or affect their performance badly.
There are two forms of discrimination:
Direct Discrimination:
Treating someone less favorable as compared to others thereby barring him /her completely For example:
School refusing to admit student because he /she is a Dalit/Untouchable.
Indirect Discrimination:
Applying a criteria where certain classes/facilities are only meant for the high status or children who can afford and not the poor ones for ex Career Counseling .
Discrimination can occur in almost any aspect of school life , right from the attitudes of the teachers, , school code of conduct, teaching methods, practices, career guidance and other physical school environment.
Role of Education:
The right to Education has played an important role in the career world of the 21st century. Education is the primary vehicle by which economically and socially marginalized adults and children can lift themselves out of poverty and obtain the means to participate fully in their communities. Education has a vital role in empowering women, safeguarding children from exploitative and hazardous labour and sexual exploitation, promoting human rights and democracy, protecting the environment, and controlling population growth.
And the Constitution requires that all kids be given equal educational opportunity no matter what their race, ethnic background, religion, or sex, or whether they are rich or poor, citizen or non-citizen.
Some of the measures taken so far:
Compulsory and free education for all
Free and compulsory education for children up to 14 yrs of age as per the Education Act
The Benchmark Mandate
The Right to Education Act lays down norms and standards relating to Pupil-Teacher-Ratios (number of children per teacher), classrooms, separate toilets for girls and boys, drinking water facility, number of school-working days, working hours of teachers, etc.
Special provisions for special cases
The Right to Education Act mandates that an out of school child should be admitted to an age appropriate class and provided with special training to enable the child to come up to age appropriate learning level.
Zero tolerance against discrimination and harassment
The Right to Education Act 2009 prohibits all kinds of physical punishment and mental harassment, discrimination based on gender, caste, class and religion, screening procedures for admission of children capitation fee, private tuition centres, and functioning of unrecognised schools.
Creating Equal Opportunities for all
It has been mandated for all private schools to reserve 25 % of their seats for children belonging to socially disadvantaged and economically weaker sections. This is aimed at boosting social inclusion to provide for a more just and equal nation.
Education brings self-discipline, a sense of responsibility, team-work among children and prevents them from social insecurity.
Therefore there should be Best education and Best teachers for Everyone!!